Sathiyaraman M's Blog

A collection of .NET, JavaScript and other tech-related articles.
Writing Tests for Dapper with TestContainers in xUnit

Writing Tests for Dapper with TestContainers in xUnit

Writing tests for Dapper is traditionally challenging due to two reasons. In this post, we will explore how to write integration test fixtures for Dapper queries using TestContainers in xUnit and how to reuse the database container across multiple tests.

Using Dapper with FluentMigrator

Using Dapper with FluentMigrator

In this post, we will explore how to use Dapper with FluentMigrator for schema migrations in ASP.NET Core. We will set up a simple project, and use FluentMigrator to manage the schema migrations in code and run them during the application startup.

Building my first Neural Networks with PyTorch and TensorFlow

Building my first Neural Networks with PyTorch and TensorFlow

PyTorch and TensorFlow are currently the two most popular deep learning frameworks for developing and training neural networks. In this post, I will build two simple neural networks for predicting diabetes, each using PyTorch and TensorFlow, and share my first-hand experiences.